April 26-28: Lessons with Linda

  April 26-28

Fabulous set of lessons with Linda. I warmed up practicing what I had learned from Luis. We worked on improving the quality of the canter through transitions from trot to canter (only 3 strides) to trot and repeat. When transitioning from canter to trot, I need to get Toby into a controlled trot quickly … no run away strides.  Then, once there, reward with softness. Work in progress but improved canter today.  To be continued. Leg yield was good today. Just need to remember to use elbows for correcting straightness … no leg and no hands shifting around. Also, even though parallel to the rail, fix eye on point on rail where you are headed.


Also, spent some time continuing to work on my position. I have a tendency to lower my inside shoulder when bending to the right, and this results in squishing my rib cage, rather than be tall and balanced in saddle. Working on it. To continue to get the feeling of draping my legs around Toby, practice without stirrups and that nice long feel of relaxed leg is what I want when feet are back in stirrups. 


Did some Liberty in the afternoon. We had fun.


Also, enjoyed a laugh with Linda and with one of her dogs, Moxie. I miss my puppy dog, so is it is nice to have dogs around to love on.



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