A Powerful Lesson with Linda today

Views on the drive to Linda"s this morning.

Linda upped the bar on me today. Some things to be aware of and to improve, if I want to dance with my horse. Checklist of my body position's worst offenders ...

  • Hand position - thumbs up and close fingers. Video shows that I ride with knuckles up and fingers flat ... makes contact not a comfortable feel for horse.
  • Elbows bent and relaxed at side. They should move back/forth for speed control and turns,  and body move back/forth between elbows.
  • Have a softer hold on the reins when doing transitions ... up and down. If I soften, Toby will soften.
  • Keep reins equal length and don't fiddle with them so much. Be quiet and hold steady. Otherwise, Toby can't figure out what I am asking for. Remember to point “head lights on knuckles” in direction you want Toby's head to go and use pinkie turns. 
  • I am really lopsided to the right.(So obvious when I see video.) Spent a lot of time adjusting and raising my awareness of when I am off center to the right and/or when Toby pushes my weight over to the right. 
  • Leg position. I really have to figure out how to open up my hip joints, so my leg can drape longer. My tendency is to pull the leg back and then the heel  goes up. Ugh. Need to think of moving heel to touch horse hock, so it stays down.
  • Rein back ... Spine tall, belly button back, heels toward hocks (sort of standing feeling) and reins equal length and hold (don’t pull) to encourage back up. Toby was going backward but not with his hindquarter tucked, so not rounded, but hollow. So, exercise ... back up a few steps and go forward, repeat and repeat again.
  • And, while I am at it, don't look down, look where I am going. And turn shoulders with turning. And don’t overturn my head/eyes. but look between Toby’s ears.

Other issue today was with "parking lot." I needed to correct not just the 2 steps forward, but manage his body to return exactly to the parking lot. I was not being clear in my expectations. We fixed it, but I need to be aware of being more exact in my leadership.

While we were trotting today, a branch or something cracked on adjacent property, and Toby did an abrupt halt and went severely right brain. Linda suggested I get off, as he was clearly not in a thinking state of mind. His body was stiff, and it took some time to get him to yield his neck and body and release his adrenaline. Finally, he relaxed, and I remounted and lesson resumed.

Never dull with horses. Did I mention the lesson was being videoed for use on HHHL? All my position worst offenders will be on display. Yikes.


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